What is the Panther Club?
The Panther Club is a group of parents who are mobilized to support the athletic teams at Boulder High School. As the booster club for BHS athletics, we are a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization helping to promote the effectiveness of our Boulder High athletic teams.
How is the Panther Club managed and organized?
The Panther Club is managed by a Board of Directors who guide activities that support the overall goals of the Panther Club. (To view a list of the current board members, click on the following link.) In addition, each athletic team is represented by a team parent who serves as the liaison between the Panther Club and the team coach or coaches.
A monthly meeting is held with the Athletic Director, team parents and other interested parents who are interested in enhancing the experience of our student athletes. During this monthly meeting, updates are provided from the Athletic Director and the Panther Club Board as to fundraising and volunteer efforts. The team parent is then asked to communicate the Panther Club’s role and to recruit other parents to get involved as well as to be generally aware of the key issues and opportunities facing our athletic teams.
What are the goals of the Panther Club?
Our goal is to raise money to fund incremental requests made by the team coaches and/or the Athletic Director that are not currently covered by the school or district budget, to honor teams with recognition ceremonies and maintain a “Hall of Champions” display located near the main gym at Boulder High School, and to enhance school spirit through the sale of BHS clothing and other items sold online or at various school events.
How does the Panther Club raise money?
The Panther Gala raises funds through various fundraising activities including the sale of Boulder Panther spirit gear to students, parents, alumni and supporters of Boulder High School. In addition, the Panther Club sells banners displayed at the football and softball fields, and the main gym and the Pit at Boulder High School. These banners are viewed by hundreds if not thousands of Boulder and surrounding area residents who are actively encouraged to support the businesses that are featured as a banner sponsor. (For more information as to how to become a sponsor, please contact Janice_hughes@comcast.net.)
Finally, the Panther Gala is an annual fundraising event featuring the sale of various donated items and a live auction with the proceeds contributing to the financial support of our athletic teams. This event is held each spring in the month of March as an opportunity to join together to support our student athletes. The Panther Gala has incrementally grown as a major fundraising effort having raised more than $76,000 for our BHS sport teams in 2015. The 2016 Panther Gala promises to be even more successful. (For more information as to how to become a Panther Gala sponsor, please contact bsilvester@comcast.net.)
How are the funds raised by the Panther Club utilized?
Panther Club helps to fund those incremental requests made by the team coaches and/or the Athletic Director not currently funded by the school and/or district budgets. Through a grant process, requests are made as to specific items requested for purchase that are needed to further increase the effectiveness of our Boulder High athletic teams. In fact, some of these items are basic requests to ensure the safety and performance of our student athletes. For more specific information as to recent items funded by the Panther Club, click on the following link for a list of items that were purchased in 2015.
Finally, the Panther Gala is an annual fundraising event featuring the sale of various donated items and a live auction with the proceeds contributing to the financial support of our athletic teams. This event is held each spring in the month of March as an opportunity to join together to support our student athletes. The Panther Gala has incrementally grown as a major fundraising effort having raised more than $76,000 for our BHS sport teams in 2015. The 2016 Panther Gala promises to be even more successful. (For more information as to how to become a Panther Gala sponsor, please contact bsilvester@comcast.net.)
How do I become a member of the Panther Club?
As a parent of a Boulder High student athlete, you are a member of the Panther Club at no additional cost to you.
And as a member of the Panther Club, there are a number of volunteer opportunities for you to participate including serving as a team parent or serving on various Panther Gala sub-committees. Please contact a member of the Board of Directors to learn how you can get involved. We certainly appreciate your support!
Finally, the Panther Gala is an annual fundraising event featuring the sale of various donated items and a live auction with the proceeds contributing to the financial support of our athletic teams. This event is held each spring in the month of March as an opportunity to join together to support our student athletes. The Panther Gala has incrementally grown as a major fundraising effort having raised more than $76,000 for our BHS sport teams in 2015. The 2016 Panther Gala promises to be even more successful. (For more information as to how to become a Panther Gala sponsor, please contact bsilvester@comcast.net.)